Smile makes for a major portion of your personality and nothing like having beautiful lips for a smile. But that is always not the case, as lip maintenance is something that needs to be done as well, which many of us often forget to do.
Dry cracked lips do not flatter your lips and if you are suffering from such, it is time you corrected it and took a step towards making your lips supple and beautiful. They are a part of your body which needs taking care and it is not hard at all.
To start with the inevitable basic, have a nourishing diet that consists of vegetable and fruits in plenty. Vitamin-rich foods are mandatory and drink at least two liters of water every day. Keep your system clean and healthy and it will show on every part of your body including your lips.
The only solution to dry chapped lips is to keep them well moisturized at all times. Use a lip balm throughout the day and at night, before you turn off the lights apply a healthy portion of moisturizing cream so that you wake up with super soft lips. Alternatively, you can also use peanut butter or coco butter and leave them on overnight.